1-Day Self-Leadership Workshop - with Dan Spitteler

“ I am the greatest source of knowledge and understanding of who I am and what I need. No one is, therefore, better positioned to help me achieve it”  Dan Spitteler 


Our 1-day Self-Leadership Workshop blends psychology, common sense, self-awareness and leadership to teach participants how to take control and responsibility for the personal and professional changes they want or need to make. The workshop provides participants with a structured and repeatable process that is universal in its application whilst being tailorable to individual circumstances, input and needs. Whilst many of the themes are not new or unique, the way they are presented, linked and blended are unique. We have designed this workshop for anyone interested in developing leadership capability and awareness of how to manage the complex environment we are in. You don’t need to be a business leader.

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If you have any further questions about our 1-day Self-leadership workshop, please get in touch with us via the form below.