Adaptive Strategy



We believe that traditional linear approaches to strategy are rational and effective in theory but practically limited. Why? These approaches assume a somewhat stable and static environment.

In today’s business environment a competitive advantage can disappear much faster than it is obtained. To remain effective and sustainable, businesses must develop a fluid and proactive approach to doing new and relevant things in pursuit of their vision. In other words, business strategies must be responsive to innovation and change. Through our experience in supporting businesses with both strategy and adaptive delivery, we have learned that the principles underpinning a fast, iterative, and collaborative delivery process are also very relevant to strategy.

There exists a need today to establish transparency, ownership and agility at every level of the organisation, underpinned by effective and continuous communication. We are very excited about working with businesses to develop an approach to strategy that enables them to focus on delivering value early and continuously, whilst making meaningful progress towards achieving their vision and purpose.

The true value in strategy is realised through relevant, aligned and cohesive action. 

When should I do this?

We argue that the thinking and approach underpinning Adaptive Strategy is relevant to a business at any stage of its journey, but is especially relevant in the following circumstances:

  • Currently experiencing or predicting a high degree of change/volatility in the external environment

  • The strategy is not understood and/or aligned at every level of the business

  • Seeking to develop a culture of adaptability and agility that can proactively respond to new opportunities, rather than just react

  • Seeking alignment around a pathway for transforming either a component of the businesses (e.g. a team, process, or department) or the entire business

Introductory Strategy workshop

We have designed a half-day introductory strategy session as a first step in developing and implementing an adaptive strategy within your business. It is a fantastic opportunity for us to learn more about your business and vice versa, and establish the first cut of key strategic objectives for your business.

Case Study

If you would like to see a real example of an Adaptive Transformation Strategy, please refer to our case study about facilitating a transformation of the client onboarding journey with Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any stage to see how our tailored programs/approaches can enable your business to achieve its purpose and vision.